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Menopause, Cold Beers, and My Grandmother’s Quiet Strength

Grab me another beer!” yells my grandfather to Vimy my grandmother. Gram who had been reading the newspaper, rests her reading material down on the side table as she struggles to get out of her chair. A little unsteady, she hurries to the kitchen, stuttering a passive “yes” under her breath.

Within seconds, she returns and hands a stubby brown bottle of Labatt 50 to Pa, who doesn’t even glance her way. His eyes remain glued to the hockey game, but the cold beer in his hand gets a brief nod of approval before he smacks it to his lips.

I watch as Gram slowly makes her way back to her space on the couch. Her dull blonde hair is frizzy and untamed, and her skin, though still plump, looks tired. She settles in, picks up her newspaper, and disappears once again into the daily news.


Let’s face it—life for women has never been a breeze, and it’s still no walk in the park. I’m not saying men haven’t had or don’t have their own struggles, but let’s be real, this website isn’t about them. It’s all about us ladies! We’ve got our own set of unique challenges, and that’s what we’re here to talk about. 


Sure, things have improved, but I don’t think anyone can truly understand the emptiness and depression menopause can bring, even in the best of times. Spending your whole life caring for others, pushing aside your wants and needs. The kids get grown and gone. Suddenly you’re left questioning your life coupled with hormonal shifts and probable depression.  Or maybe you never had children to leave the nest. Either way, if we're fortunate enough to reach midlife as women, the reality is that menopause is inevitable.


I dedicate these chronicles to her—my Gram, VR. who I expect struggled in her silent strength.

As much as we try to "soften" and make light of menopause and aging, the truth is, it's no easy ride. It’s just really f’ing hard. There’s no sugar-coating it!

On our website, we’re all about sharing the latest info on menopause, helping guide us amazing women through this stage of life as smoothly as possible. We’ve got beauty-on-a-budget product reviews tailored for women 50+, so you can look fabulous without breaking the bank. Our focus is on both inner and outer beauty, celebrating the incredible women we are. We're committed to creating a space of understand, information and support as we navigate this exciting new chapter—even if things get a little messy along the way!

So, grab a coffee, a cold drink, or hey, even a glass of wine (because why not?), and let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of the menopause journey—from its rocky start to the post-menopausal finish line.

And, a heads-up: I apologize in advance for any cuss words or emotional outbursts in the VR Chronicles. Well, sort of.”



Stay tuned, a fresh new entry is on its way!


Stay tuned, a fresh new entry is on its way!




Stay tuned, a fresh new entry is on its way!

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